Categorie | Domotica

Vijfde AAL call eind februari verwacht

De Ambient Assisted Living Association (AAL) heeft onlangs aangekondigd dat de vijfde call van het AAL programma in februari open gaat. In mei is de deadline voor het indienen van een voorstel. De focus van deze call ligt bij het ondersteunen van ouderen bij hun dagelijkse activiteiten thuis, met behulp van ICT.

In september dit jaar zal het Europese AAL forum in Eindhoven plaatsvinden. Ieder jaar schrijven Nederlandse organisaties mee aan voorstellen binnen het AAL programma. ZonMw is aangesteld als National Contact Point.

Projecten uit voorgaande calls met Nederlandse inbreng:

Call 1:

Call 2:

Call 3:

Call 4 is nog in onderhandeling.

Originele aankondiging via
The AAL Association will announce the 5th Call for proposals of the AAL Joint Programme: ICT-based Solutions for (Self) Management of Daily Life Activities of Older Adults at Home

Most people prefer to live independently in their own homes for as long as possible. When support is necessary, there are different options: using technology and/or assistance delivered by somebody else.

Today, informal and family care is the predominant model of support for older adults. According to a 2010 estimate 80% of all care across Europe is given by family carers. Currently, informal care givers sum up to 19 Million persons across Europe. Family carers provide “primary assistance with activities of daily life”. However, formal care services are in many cases indispensable and paid care for older adults is a growing phenomenon across Europe. Migrant care workers play an important role in this sector.

The AAL JP Call 5 aims at the development of ICT-based solutions which enable and sustain older adults to continue managing their daily activities in their home. This call aims also at ICT-based solutions which support informal carers in their assistance.

It is anticipated that the call will be launched end of February 2012, with a proposal submission deadline end May 2012.

Information event (“Info Day”)
The information event will take place on 13th March 2012, in Brussels. All potential proposers are strongly advised to come to the information event, and those wishing to attend should register their interest by sending an e-mail to before 24th February 2012.

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